Wednesday, January 31, 2007



This advertisement reads, “Become a Draftsman/Enjoy a Real Job in Industry” with a picture of a happy white male doing work in the middle of vast industrial imagery. This is just blatantly an advertisement directed to a white majority of the time and implying that some jobs during the time are not real. This also suggests that a draftsman’s job is a really important job – a “real” job.

Due to the inclined production and boost of industry during this time, things like a draftsman’s job would be something desirable. Designing architectural structures, automotives, mechanics and electrics, all are things worth a lot during the time, and are still worth a lot. The fact that a white male is placed in the center being the focus was probably a conscious choice of the time, and wouldn’t really be noticed now as anything different than a regular advertisement. But the fact that it is showing a white male doing this job, and asking for people to become one might show people that this is a job designed for white males, not unlike the majority of jobs in America at this time.

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