Wednesday, January 31, 2007



This advertisement reads, “Become a Draftsman/Enjoy a Real Job in Industry” with a picture of a happy white male doing work in the middle of vast industrial imagery. This is just blatantly an advertisement directed to a white majority of the time and implying that some jobs during the time are not real. This also suggests that a draftsman’s job is a really important job – a “real” job.

Due to the inclined production and boost of industry during this time, things like a draftsman’s job would be something desirable. Designing architectural structures, automotives, mechanics and electrics, all are things worth a lot during the time, and are still worth a lot. The fact that a white male is placed in the center being the focus was probably a conscious choice of the time, and wouldn’t really be noticed now as anything different than a regular advertisement. But the fact that it is showing a white male doing this job, and asking for people to become one might show people that this is a job designed for white males, not unlike the majority of jobs in America at this time.




Soap Advertisement Storyboard:

This storyboarded advertisement is something I have never done before, nevertheless try and come up with an advertisement at all. The advertisement’s inherit quality of persuasion is something I tried to address fully in my personal advertisement.

Soap is something that people use to get clean and stay fresh. In this advertisement, I used characters that I created, in an environment I created, and used a large foreground character as one of the main characters, along with a friend (the character with the soap). The group of people around all has a face of mediocrity because the large foreground character is dirty – dictated by being darker than the others. The “friend” approaches the character with a bar of soap. The character gets sad because of the gesture, but everyone around is instantly happy due to the fact they wont have to deal with the characters lack of cleanliness. The character and his friend go and bath, and even in disgust, the character still goes a long with it because it seems best (peer pressure/group persuasion). The character then “falls in love’ with the friend for helping him become normal and one of the crowd, showing the group crowded around him.