Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Soap Commercial

This project was one that I became easily interested in because of my heightened interest in advertisements over the past couple of years. I wanted to convey something extremely simple with minimal color and motion. I looked to the Red Bull commercials for some inspiration and my own artistic ingenuity for the creation of this.

The fact that this project was based on an advertisement for soap made it slightly difficult for me because I honestly have no interest in soap commercials but also made it interesting because I had the ability to create something for something not so interesting.

The characters in my advertisement are characters I have come up with and decided to use these characters to create a feel of human qualities but not having that direct association that one would have watching an advertisement and seeing a person they can relate to. Within the advertisement I created a conflict between one character and a group. In short, the group dislikes the one character because he either smells or is just dirty. A friendly character from the group invites the character to use a bar of soap and everyone becomes happy after his bath.

After reviewing the finished product, I would of liked to get slightly more into the creation of the advertisement drawings. I would have enjoyed the fluctuating line patterns that animated drawings tend to have but mine were static layers. I would of also liked to incorporate dialogue and create a more interesting environment for these characters to interact in.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Research Topics

1. Graffiti and the urban art world have always been something intriguing to me. I enjoy the act of "finding" the artwork, as it is placed in positions capable of being seen (as is the sole purpose), but are in spots where it might be difficult to view are usually in secluded areas off of highways, under bridges, or on buildings bordering a large road. I already have some previous experience and knowledge in this field, but would like to expand my knowledge of the subject matter by researching it more thoroughly in topics such as governmental conflict, freedom of speech, vandalism, artistic styles, the effects on the public, and the outside perspective on the artwork. I would also like to research more into what the urban artists have to say about their artwork.

2. Simplicity and minimalism have always been things I have been specifically interested in and have directly affected my artwork. I enjoy the wonderful use of negative space simplistic design and artwork creates. I would like to research this topic more to find out certain artists who use these techniques, the steps they take in determining the best way to go about using these techniques, the effect is has on the consumer/visual observer, and how it might have effected post-minimalist artwork.

3. Consumerism can be classified as the consumption the people of an economy have that makes them happy by purchasing products that benefit their economy. This also means that the consumers dictate the economic structure and inevitably the outcome of the consumer culture. This interests me because I am a consumer and everyone in the world is a consumer. Researching the effects consumerism has on art, advertisement, graphic design, and the world as a whole would be something interesting to me because of the fact that it directly affects me and my outlook of the world.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Character Colors:

Reworked Ending:

I decided to use pastel colors that work well together to offer a far less in your face advertisement. The pastel colors tend to push the images back and don't necessarily make them pop out at you. It also gives it the aesthetic feel that I want with dim and dull colors that correspond with the characters and environment.